
Don't feel sorry for yourself. | Monday thoughts

30/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

Earlier this week I wrote a post about how I don't feel good enough for blogging because I cannot take pictures of my eyes and I am not photogenic at all. That I don't like myself.
But after writing those, I realized a few things.
Firstly: Screw it! I don't want to feel like that anymore, so I just change my thinking.

I am so sick of feeling sorry for myself all the time. Yes, I am not perfect, so what?! So, here is what I told myself:

I won't compare myself anymore.
We all are individual and it is good that way! Wouldn't life be extremely boring if we all are the same?
I may still think other people are extremely cool and that I would like to be a little more like them, but that ain't happening. So better scratch those thoughts, Isabel.

I won't say I am not good enough anymore.
Yes, I am not perfect, but nobody is. (As you may notice, I struggle with this one.) I will always try to be the best possible me I can be, but I don't want to feel like shit just because I tell myself I am shit. As I am writing this, I think about how I could have ever been thinking like that? Why do we tear not only us ourselves, but also other people down?
Let us support eachother. Let us support ourselves. Let us spread positivity around the world!
It may not change the world, but it may change the world for someone.

I want to enjoy my body, my life, me.
We don't do anything good sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves.
So - maybe probably easier said than done - just STOP it.
Listen to some good music. Do some Yoga (I highly recommend Yoga with Adriene!) or meditate. Take a walk outside and look at the beautiful world.
This may sound totally cray-cray, but isn't nature just amazing? How it changes, how it gives us life and everything! (Don't know where I am going with this. Just roll with it.)
Meet friends or get to know some new people. Most of the times it is easier than you think! Just get yourself out there and enjoy it.
Meeting people is actually the best advice I can give you. On a bad day, even if it is just at work, I instantly feel better because I am surrounded by other human beings - and because I am that lucky it is the supportive and positive kind. Surround yourself with a community of that nature.

I want to work on myself.
I am in therapy and I can highly recommend it. Just try it once.
Therapy isn't only for sick people, therapy is getting help to help yourself. Doesn't sound so bad, right?
I discovered so many new things about my body and me up to this date - and there is so much more to come!
Of course it is hard work, but that does not mean that you won't feel better about yourself in the end.
If you do not have the chance to talk to a therapist, talk to a good and supportive friend - even people on the internet can help you so much.

 So, what are your top tips for when you are feeling down? How do you change your thinking?

And here is some of my favorite happy music: Paramore! I actually love all of their stuff, but their newest album just reminds me of good ol' times and I love it - makes me instantly happy!

Review: Catrice Liquid Liner "010 Dating Joe Black" - der beste Drogerie Liner ~ the best drugstore liner

25/03/2015 | | 2 Comments

Always before I buy something, I read thousands and thousands of reviews. I don't make impulse buys often because I don't like to spend money on products I'll end up not using.
So today I want to show you which is - in my opinion - the best liquid liner!

Instagramable ~ Instagram tauglich | Monday Thoughts ~ Montagsgedanken

23/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

Yesterday, I was on a concert. (Being 5 feet tall on a rock concert is not good. Started in the 5th row, ended up in the 25th or so. Urgh.)
And I didn't notice it just then, but I feel like people live life through their phone.
A lot of people didn't just dance and enjoy the concert. No, they took pictures, they took selfies (and I photobombed all the time - sorry, not sorry!), they took videos.

Go home skin, you're drunk! Skincare 101: Alcohol in Skincare | Hautpflege 1x1: Alkohol in der Hautpflege

22/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

Ever noticed how, after you drank a little, you had a mild headache, felt thursty - or a complete hangover?
It is the same for your skin, just minus the headache.

Skincare 101 | Hautpflege 1x1 - new Blog plan

21/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

Being madly into beauty, I also have a huge interest for skincare, its ingredients, what is good for your skin etc.
So from now on, I'll try to bring you an article about skincare once a week, probably every Sunday!
Subscribe to my blog via Bloglovin' or via E-Mail to be notified when tomorrow, my first skincare blogpost will be up!

Also, I'll be doing a lifestyle-ish post every Monday where I'll share my thoughts on something with you gals and guys!

And, while we're at it, I changed my blog name - again! But now I am really happy with it. I didn't knew that my name was perfect for puns in English, and I am so happy I found it! What do you think of my new name?

Furthermore, I have a contact page now! You find it at the top of my page and contact me there (because I have it I feel like a total HTML-pro, don't know how to write it, but at least I can copy and paste stuff, haha) or via Instagram (@iaminvisabel).

See you tomorrow!


Ich liebe Beauty, und deswegen auch etwas, dass sehr nahe liegt: Hautpflege. Ich interessiere mich total für Produkte, ihre Inhaltsstoffe, was gut für die Haut ist und so weiter.
Also versuche ich ab jetzt, euch jede Woche einen Artikel über Hautpflege zu schreiben, wahrscheinlich immer Sonntags!
Abonniert meinen Blog via Bloglovin' oder E-Mail, um über neue Posts benachrichtigt zu werden. Der erste kommt direkt morgen!

Außerdem werde ich - wahrscheinlich jeden Montag, will mir aber nicht zu viel Druck machen - einen Lifestyle-mäßigen Post schreiben, wo ich einfach meine Gedanken zu einem Thema mit euch teile.

Des Weiteren habe ich mal wieder meinen Blognamen geändert. Der Name ist ein Wortspiel im Englischen und ich finde ihn klasse! Ich wusste gar nicht, dass man das mit meinem Namen anstellen kann, und ich bin echt froh, dass ich ihn gefunden habe! Was denkt ihr?

Ihr könnt mich ab jetzt auch über mein Kontakt-Formular erreichen (weil ich die Seite habe, fühle ich mich jetzt total HTML-affin weil ich Copy und Paste machen kann, haha) oder über Instagram (@iaminvisabel).

Bis morgen!

Review: Rimmel Scandaleyes Eye Shadow Stick | #drugstorebeautyweek | English + deutsch

19/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

In celebration of #drugstorebeautyweek by two of my favorite Beautybloggers Essiebutton and Amelia Liana, I thought I'd give you a review of some of my favorite products from the drugstore.

Review: Korres Wild Rose Lip Butter | english + deutsch

17/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

This Christmas, I received probably one of the most thoughtful gifts ever. I don't know why I love it that much, I just L O V E the gesture. My step brother got it in Sephora and just the Sephora packaging got me overly excited.
Can we please get Sephora in Germany? Pretty please?
Well, let's get on with the review.

Review: BH Cosmetics All Over Brush | Allzweck Pinsel | english + deutsch

10/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

When I ordered at BH Cosmetics, one brush really caught my eye: the All Over Brush.
I didn't expect a brush that I could use for everything, but one that was perfect for contouring.

Review: p2 Sheer Glam Lipstick 071 Mona Lisa Smile - mein Alltagsheld | deutsch

07/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

Heute gibt es eine Review zu meinem allerliebsten Alltags-Lippenstift. Einfach eine Farbe, die immer passt, die angenehm zu tragen ist und sich meistens in meiner Handtasche versteckt.
Es handelt sich dabei um die Farbe "071 Mona Lisa Smile" aus der p2 Sheer Glam Reihe.

Review: L'Oreal Color Riche L'Ombre Pure (or just eyeshadow) 302 "Die For Chocolate" | english + deutsch

05/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

When I first heard about these eyeshadows, I got the feeling these could be amazing. Amelia Liana raved about these so much (and everybody and their blog), so I needed to buy one and test them out myself.

An introduction

04/03/2015 | | 0 Comments

Hello there!

So, this is my own space here on the internet... the perfectionist I am, I had a blog and a YouTube channel not so long ago, but quit it - because I wasn't happy about the outcome.

And all things will be different here (I hope). This blog will be focused on all things makeup (and all that jazz, I just love that expression so much!) and I will mostly write product reviews. When I thought about when I read blogs, I noticed that I mainly search for reviews - so that is what it is going to be.

I don't know about the schedule yet, but I have a lot of free time (gap year, yeah!), so I guess it will be somewhat regularly.

If you have any other requests or questions, feel free to ask anytime! Instagram is like my second home (insert ape with closed eyes-emoji here).


Hallo da draußen!

Also, das ist mein eigener Platz, hier im großen weiten Internet... ich hatte einen Blog und sogar einen Youtube-Channel bis nicht vor allzu langer Zeit, aber weil ich einfach zu perfektionistisch bin, habe ich aufgehört und alles gelöscht. War halt unzufrieden.

Und jetzt wird sich natürlich alles ändern hier (hoffentlich). Ich werde hier hauptsächlich Reviews schreiben, denn ich habe festgestellt: wenn ich auf Blogs gehe, schaue ich  meistens auch nur auf Reviews!

Ich weiß noch nicht, wie oft ich hier posten werde, aber ich habe viel Zeit im Momet, also wird es hoffentlich etwas regelmäßig sein.

Für Fragen oder Wünsche, schreibt mich einfach an, Instagram ist mein zweites zu Hause (hier bitte Äffchen-mit-Augen-zu-Emoji einfügen).

Design by Mira Dilemma.